Tuesday, October 2, 2007

eBay is the DEVIL, as was decorating!

Can someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE block eBay from my computer? Between that and Craigslist, I might put us in the poor house. HAHA.. I can NOT stop buying Ella clothes from eBay. I am getting some STEALS on Ralph Lauren stuff, so how can I? I haven't even STARTED for Eva. My husband is going to divorce me... although, we are going to (not that we don't already) have the best dressed kids around! Ha ha.. my MIL always comments on how well my kids are dressed, so that is an EXTREME compliment. Ok, going to look for some stuff for Eva...

On another note, I am getting sooo excited for Kara and Angelique's arrivals!!! I am DYING to see our gals playing together, it is going to be so AWESOME! I just cleared my memory card to have plenty of room of the 1094825487 pictures I know I am SURE to take. These next 13 days can not go by quick enough!! And then I get to see Grace and Antoinette too? Awww... we are going to have so much fun. Then let's not forget about the Girls Night Out we have planned. That is REALLY the part I am ready for!

I didn't have anything on my walls since we moved while I was 8 months pregnant. Well something flew up my ass today, because I hung a BOATLOAD of shit. Damned, I even hung things that weren't on the walls in my last apartment and were just WAITING for a spot, HAHA. Just need a bookcase and a few other minor things. I wish we had painted the girls room though, that is going to drive me nuts until I do it. Mom is giving us a flat screen TV for our bedroom so that can fill the void on that particular wall... the guest room is going to have miscellaneous stuff in it, but I am so happy with the way every thing came out. I love love love this place as it is, but when you put your stuff on the walls... its makes a house/apt, your HOME and I love it even more now!! Although.... it took me away from my eBay for AWHILE, and I lost track of my Watched Items and didn't get a few things I REALLY wanted - DAMMIT!!! lol.. Oh well, there is always tomorrow! xoxo


Ali said...

Your site looks very lovely.
I love this writing.