Thursday, October 4, 2007

Painting on my anniversary??

Ok, I was complaining about not having the girls room painted. Well, that's done - LOL. Seriously, what ever it was that flew up my ass called motivation, STAYED!! Pat wanted to do it in green like our last apt, but I wanted pink... so we compromised. I painted an accent wall, which I had never heard of until I went to the paint store to get the paint and did that in pink (confetti to be exact) and got green (Celtic folklore) as well. I did the accent wall in pink and then decided to paint the windows the opposite colors as the walls. This was my first ever attempt at painting, so its pretty humorous. I just threw the paint in the plastic bin, stuck the roller in and started. Who knew about trim and all that good stuff?? Never mind all the CRAP aka furniture that is in there. Oh well, anyway... here is the finished product, what do you think??

Don't mind the hammer, we don't usually leave it on the changing table. LOL

We keep a memo board of our family above Eva's crib. It was above the changing table. She LOVES to look at it. Ella was the same way!!

Ella and Eva's letters came in today.. perfect timing!!!

A pic of the trim/molding on the window. I don't love it, maybe will look better after I hang curtains.

These are the curtains I will hang. I got new rods, but naturally.. they were too big. DAMN IT!! lol

Anyway, that's all for today... We are going to get a couples massage for our anniversary gift to each other and have dinner, as soon as we can pawn these kids off on someone. I cant wait! We did it last year + gifts too, but it was rushed and not as great as it could have been.

Hmmm, I wonder what project I might try tomorrow. Or not, I'm tired!!! xoxo R


Tiara said...

Looks good Renee! I had a list of painting projects I wanted to get done before Rowan came but it never happened....maybe one day LOL