Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Eva's 2 monther

So, the peanut is no longer a peanut. She is weighin in at 12lbs 12 ozs and 24.5 inches long. She in the 75th %tile for both weight and height and her noggin was 16 inches (storin all that BRAIN power!) My poor lil booboo got 2 shots today and an oral vaccine. :( she HATED that. She is definitely out of sorts from it too. I am seriously thinking about staggering her vaccinations. It's just too much all at once. Any opinions on that? Anyway, besides that - she is "perfect" (Dr. Coven's words, not mine.. although I totally agree!!!) and is growing awesome.

I had my OB 12 wk PP check up and I have a great uterus. Dayum, I havent heard THAT line in a long time!! :)

On another note, I also met with my boss today. I am going back to work. :*( I am going to miss Eva, but fortunately its only going to be part time to start, and then I will see where I am at that point. In fact, I agreed to go in on Wed!! Yikes. But.. if I dont go back, no more spending, and you all know I have a problem with THAT!! lol.. And eventually, I would have to BF everyone. My husband wouldn't mind, but I dont know if Ella is ready to go back on the boob!!